By Gordon Banks
Durban Centre had the privilege of hosting the 73rd National AGM recently at Gateway Hotel in Umhlanga Rocks.

The new SAIRAC national committee from left to right: Kevin Moodley (Durban) SAIRAC vice president Gordon Banks; Hennie Basson (Cape Town); SAIRAC president Robert Fox; SAIRAC national treasurer Grant Laidlaw; and Chad Vercuiel (Johannesburg). All images supplied by SAIRAC Durban Centre.
The evening was a black-tie event with the Sandy Elle duet providing live music for the evening. The Durban AGM was opened by Gordon Banks (Durban chairman) and all in attendance were welcomed.

SAIRAC president Robert Fox handing the bronze medal award to Grant Laidlaw for his contribution to SAIRAC.
The chairman’s report was delivered noting that the Durban region had been mostly involved in online enrichment courses conducted from Johannesburg and the chairman motivated those in attendance to setup face-to-face enrichment courses in KwaZulu Natal over the next year. Banks thanked those in attendance that have been involved in technical talks for their commitment to the dissemination of information to our industry. The financials in the absence of Andre Grobbelaar were shared by Banks.
He then called up Steve Aburn and awarded him with the Past Chairmans Certificate for serving as a past chairman on the Durban committee. There was also a certificate for Neeraj Ramkissoon who was unable to attend due to family commitments. At this point the current Durban committee were asked to stand, and a vote of thanks was shared from the chairman for their commitment during the past year. He also thanked the new secretary Jade Banks for her hard work done over the last few months after taking over as centre secretary.

New and old Durban chairmen: Kevin Moodley and Gordon Banks.
The new committee were introduced by the outgoing chairman Gordon Banks. The change of centre chairman was confirmed with Kevin Moodley taking over as the new centre chairman. Banks continues in his role as national vice president and Durban treasurer until the next National AGM, whereafter he will commence his term as president of SAIRAC. Banks motivated others in the audience to get involved in their local committee and to “make a difference”. The new Durban committee was announced as per the picture insert. SAIRAC folders were handed out by Banks to the new members. The Durban AGM was concluded and then dinner was served.
After dinner the platform was handed over to Robert Fox (current SAIRAC President) to conduct the National AGM, who welcomed all present. A moment of silence was observed after he read out all the names of members who had passed on since the last AGM. He confirmed the membership statistics, meetings, as well as online and face-to-face enrichment courses that had taken place during the last year within SAIRAC nationally. He also unpacked the involvement of SAIRAC with ASHRAE and how SAIRAC represents its members on various levels including ECSA and IOR.
He then called on Grant Laidlaw (SAIRAC honorary national treasurer) to present the audited financial statements for the year 2023/24. Laidlaw explained to the members what is done with the fees received and the benefits derived by members from being in good standing with SAIRAC. He shared a short motivation to members to get more people involved in SAIRAC and concluded the financial report.

Group photo of some of those attending the AGM.
Fox thereafter called Laidlaw back to receive the SAIRAC Exceptional Service Award Bronze Medal in recognition of exceptional commitment to further the aims and objectives and outstanding service to the institute. He also handed out past chairman certificates to Archie Steyn from Cape Town and Banks from Durban as their term had come to an end.
The current national committee were then thanked for their service to SAIRAC and the new committee was announced. Fox then handed chairman ties out to the new incoming chairmen: Hennie Basson from Cape Town, Chad Vercuiel from Johannesburg and Kevin Moodley from Durban. He wished them all the best in the new roles as centre chairmen and as new members of the national committee. He closed the meeting and the National AGM.

New members of Durban committee with their new folders awarded by current chairman Gordon Banks. From left to right: Dean Munsamy; chairman Gordon Banks; Kevin Moodley; and Denzil Munsamy.
The evening had a good turnout with a great time being had by all. It was great to see so many old faces and some new as we see a surge of younger members getting involved which can be seen by the composition of the new national committee. The evening continued with live music and a great atmosphere as members mingled and talked. The food provided by Gateway Hotel was exceptional and enjoyed by everyone. A sincere thank you to those who travelled from out of town to be part of this special event.
We look eagerly forward to the next year of SAIRAC growing in strength as well as numbers in South Africa.