Supplied by SAIRAC Durban Centre

SAIRAC Durban hosted the annual ‘Christmas in July’ combined with their Fellows luncheon on 21 July 2023.

Chairman Gordon Banks thanking Mr Dean Munsamy. Image supplied by SAIRAC

Chairman Gordon Banks thanking Mr Dean Munsamy. Image supplied by SAIRAC

The event was held at Westville Country Club and was well supported with the Fellows in attendance, as well as other members. Members were treated to a spit braai and live music. The guest speaker for the day was Dean Munsamy (SARACCA president) with the Durban SARACCA chairman Tony Moodley in attendance as well.

Gordon Banks, Durban committee chairman, started the function with greetings and thanks to all those who had a hand in setting up the event. A moment of silence was observed for the members and friends who sadly passed away since the last ‘Christmas in July’ celebration. The chairman thereafter conducted the 57th AGM, which discussed the impact that the previous year had on the membership of SAIRAC. A report on the activities conducted in the Durban region over the last year was also shared.

SAIRAC Durban Centre’s membership is growing steadily and the increase in members is most welcome. The chairman also mentioned an upcoming site visit to a newly-fitted Ammonia plant at one of the largest cold storage facilities in KwaZulu-Natal. Members were advised to keep an eye out for the circular once the date is confirmed.

Munsamy spoke of the challenges that HVAC&R contractors are facing in the air conditioning industry when it comes to fair pricing for projects, and how the standards are affected by a market that remains price driven. The talk went down well as there were various engineers and contractors in attendance.

On completion of the talk, a three-course lunch was served on beautifully docketed tables and was enjoyed by all.