Compiled by Benjamin Brits

Christopher Kent enjoys interacting with people and encourages the importance of imparting knowledge.

September 2022 personality profile sponsored by:

Kent grew up in Edgemead, Cape Town where his earlier years included attending Edgemead High School and subsequently he went on to study mechanical engineering at Cape Peninsula University of Technology, obtaining his bachelor’s degree in 2013.

Image credit: C. Kent

Image credit: C. Kent

While he was busy with his studies, he was approached by a family friend who runs a well-established HVAC company in Cape Town. They were looking for a project engineer and knowing how difficult it can be to get work straight out of university, Kent naturally jumped at the opportunity.

He worked as a project engineer for two and a half years, designing, installing and project managing various HVAC-R systems in the commercial sector. Thereafter he worked for 6 years for a large corporate as a project engineer in the industrial refrigeration sector.

Kent has recently joined A Perks Consultancy Enterprises as a specialist engineer fulfilling several business functions including those related to site emergency plans, plant audits, incident response training, process hazard analysis, cold store management training, plant specific training and other specialist services to the industry. He notes that this is an exciting prospect and certainly one where he feels he can make a significant impact in the industry.

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Kent’s hobbies and interests outside of work include trying to cycle as often as he can as it is a fantastic stress reliever! “Exercise in any form is a great way to get mind, body and spirit in sync. I surf on the weekend when the weather in Cape Town cooperates. I also enjoy photography and gardening.”

Considering what he enjoys most about his work, it’s clear that the interaction with people on a day-to-day basis and being able to provide a quality service and product are top of the list. “Sitting and chatting to clients and colleagues after an engaging session, or successful project delivery is the cherry on top of an already rewarding job,” he adds.

Turning then to what he would rate as his most successful achievement is “convincing my wife to marry me” he admits. “Behind every strong person is a stronger person pushing them on. I certainly would not be where I am today without the encouragement and support of my wife, and for that I am eternally grateful.”

Talking to his views around the importance of training he adds that training in today’s fast-paced world is absolutely essential. In the past, artisans had years to learn before being thrown in the deep end. Nowadays, personnel work harder, longer and under stricter regulations than before.

“Training is essential in the workplace to prevent and avoid potential incidents that could result in injury or death. The SAQCC Gas training gives a fantastic base to start from, however, unless you are part of a major corporate company, there is a lack of further skilled training in the market. One of my passions is imparting knowledge and upskilling people to perform at the level they are capable of, especially when it can make a positive impact on people’s lives,” he concludes.

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