SAIRAC Johannesburg Centre chairman, Chad Vercuiel, opened the festive occasion, noting that 10 of its more than 500 members had attained the status of Fellow, of whom three could make the occasion: Alan Curry, Grant Laidlaw and Barney Richardson.
He noted that the Fellows lunch provides an opportunity for those within the refrigeration and airconditioning industry to give thanks, and to honour the fellows of the institute who have shaped and nurtured our industry into what it is today. “Their efforts have directly contributed to the growth and stability of the SAIRAC institution,” Vercuiel commented.
The status is well earned, referring to someone who has been a member of the Institute for ten years; has shown significant performance over a period of at least five of those years, including a recognized contribution to the industry including: substantial related engineering responsibility or achievement; publication of related engineering or scientific papers, books or inventions; technical direction and management of important scientific or engineering work with evidence of accomplishment; development of furtherance of important scientific or engineering courses in an accredited educational programme; as well as a recognised contribution to the maintenance of and/or the advancement of the goals of the Institute; and be proposed and seconded by Fellows of the Institute.
The event kicked off with guest speaker, former Proteas fast bowler Fanie De Villiers, who regaled those in attendance with stories of his cricket career and gave his candid opinion of the current state of cricket in South Africa.
Lunch was then served, and the floor handed to mentalist entertainer Max Kaan.