Entries are now being accepted for the OzonAction of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and ASHRAE 2022 Lower GWP Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning Innovation Award.

The award promotes innovative design, research and practice by recognising people who have developed or implemented innovative technological concepts applied in developing countries to minimise global warming potential (GWP) through refrigeration and air-conditioning applications.

The award is part of a joint workplan for 2021-2023 under the global cooperation agreement established by both parties in 2007.

Due to the global pandemic, judging of submissions received for the 2020 award was not completed. However, entries submitted for the 2020 award will be automatically entered into consideration for the 2022 award. Those that submitted entries for 2020 will be allowed and encouraged to update those entries if desired.

“We must support and recognise innovative efforts that seek to minimise negative impacts on our environment,” said 2022-23 ASHRAE president Farooq Mehboob, fellow life member. “ASHRAE is proud to continue our partnership with UNEP OzonAction to sponsor this award in support of pioneering refrigerant technologies that will play a crucial role in our global marketplace and help us to achieve important climate management goals.”

The award’s selection criteria include:

  • Description of innovation in field of lower-GWP refrigerants.
  • Confirmation project has been implemented in a developing country.
  • Extent of need.
  • Environmental impact achieved including specific reference to the GWP chemicals’ contribution.

Description of further application in developing countries from both the technology and economic perspectives, including how the innovation is financially feasible to be replicated.

The entry period ends 31 December 2022. Information about the award and the online submission form can be found at Entries will be judged by an international jury of experts in the field of refrigerant research and management selected by ASHRAE and UNEP.

The individuals who worked on projects selected for 2022 awards will be announced at Montreal Protocol related events. ASHRAE and UNEP will also team up to disseminate information to specialists and government officials in developing countries about the projects selected to raise awareness of successful technology applications.

In 2019, ASHRAE and UNEP identified five projects – two residential applications and three commercial/industrial applications for awards.

Low Charge Ammonia Vapour Compression Refrigeration System implemented in India.

  • HFC-161 application for high cooling capacity household air conditioners implemented in China.
  • Packaged chillers with integrated air handling units using HFC-32 and HC-290 implemented in Saudi Arabia.
  • CO2 transcritical refrigeration system for a hot-and-humid region implemented in Thailand.
  • Low charge propane chiller for a supermarket refrigeration system implemented in Brazil.