The Johannesburg region is pleased to announce the 7th course for 2022. This course will be presented by Mr. Robert Fox.
The skills gap found in the industry is well known and much talked about. These courses are aimed at the gap that exists between the artisan / technician level and engineers.
Fox holds a National Diploma in production management studied at Technicon Pretoria and various other courses. Fox currently works at Club Refrigeration cc and is the cost and design manager and has been working for Club Refrigeration for 28 years, performing heat load calculations and equipment selections.
The course will cover the application of ducting design and the course topics include:
- Terminology used in duct design
- Formulae used in duct design
- Components used in duct design
- Pressure losses in the system
- Various methodologies for sizing of ducts
- Relevant standards
Course Outcomes:
On completion of this course, participants should be able to:
- Calculate duct sizes
- Determine pressure drops
- Application of the fundamentals to designing a duct system
Venue: This will be an online Zoom course.
Duration: 3 evenings
Dates: 8, 15 & 22 November 2022
Time: 18h00 until 21h00
Cost: R 1752 for members | R 2140 for non-members
Please note that SAIRAC courses are very popular with limited space available, please book early.
The formula of having selected professionals presenting within their specific field of expertise adds value to the SAIRAC training. In this sense the SAIRAC courses are unique.
Mariet Pieterse: +27 (0)82 772 1694 / is managing the bookings and can be contacted with regards to general queries, booking queries, confirmation, and availability.
In order to bring some of the vast experience out in the industry back into training, SAIRAC is on the lookout for senior members of industry to present SAIRAC courses. Should you be interested in taking up the challenge and be involved with the presentation of any of the courses please contact Mariet Pieterse: +27 (0)82 772 1694 / Coupled to the training is an opportunity for senior people in industry who may be interested to share their experience with the younger generation, or possibly just a passion to become involved in training and offer their expertise and experience in such evening classes.