By Benjamin Brits | All image credits: ©RACA Journal | Benjamin Brits

The AXC-PV range was recently introduced by Systemair South Africa.

In a special event at their premises in Boksburg, Johannesburg, various industry role players were invited to the Systemair facility to learn about the new product.

Systemair is known as a leading HVAC air supply and distribution company with operations in 52 countries around the globe. This, as well as various aspects of the company’s history, progress, research & development, future and sustainability aspects were presented to guests by South African branch managing director Vincent Laidet. He also pointed out that since the company’s founding in 1974, on average it has shown double the growth rate of the overall HVAC sector over this time, thus speaking directly to meeting customer requirements.

Laidet further pointed the guests to the fact that all Systemair products (holistically – not as individual components) are certified by a third party – affording further confidence to their clients, knowing that all stated data is accurate.

Carl La Reservee, key account representative, discussed the technical aspects of the new product as well as applications, sizing, performance and operating requirements. He demonstrated this using several presentation visuals, selection software and curve diagrams. Some of the notable aspects of the product include a new blade design and a CFD optimised bolt-on guide vane resulting in increased pressure and efficiency. Other features include:

Higher static pressure, meaning a smaller fan size can be used, resulting in lower installation and purchasing costs, and lower energy consumption

Adjustable pitch angle setting allows wide performance and maximum flexibility to match precise individual airflow requirements

Performance tested in accordance with DIN ISO 5801, DIN 24163 and AMCA 210-99

Motors equipped with PTC thermistors for optimum motor protection, and speed controllable by frequency converter.

Laidet then continued to present a case study as well as the cost savings for a particular client that replaced just one of their fans in their operation. This action produced a significant reduction in energy as well as the lowering of noise associated with the replacement. This made for a solid business case in retrofits that can see a significant and immediate reduction in operational costs and a fast payback period.

Laidet also discussed the importance of energy savings in the current environment and status of South Africa, and concluded with the sentiment that each role player in the HVAC sector indeed has a moral obligation towards the sustainability of the earth and this can be achieved by adopting energy savings opportunities. His reported figures suggested that by making use of energy savings products such as the new range, facilities could gain as much as a 42% savings when considering overall lifesplan. This, of course, adds to the current conversation around heightened demand for better operational costs to facilities and overall cost of ownership linked to green initiatives.

There was an opportunity for the guests to engage in a short Q&A, whereafter they were given the opportunity to participate in a factory tour and a networking session around some eats and refreshments.

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