Inspired by and in celebration of women’s month, the IFC, in partnership with GBCSA are pleased to announce the launch of the competition.

The competition seeks to empower and upskill existing women professionals within the property and construction sectors, through the EDGE expert green building training. This will enable them to add a green building expertise to their existing skillset and services offerings.

Ten finalists will receive free EDGE expert training. On completion of the exam, the top three EDGE expert training participants will receive free passes to the Green Building Convention 2022 in Cape Town and achievement certificates will be issued to the top three performers at the convention.

Entries to participate close on Thursday, 29 September 2022.

Competition Timeline

  • The competition launched in September 2022.
  • The 10 finalists will also be acknowledged at the GBCSA event and social media posts that will run from September to November.
  • Prizes for the top 3 exam scores from the EDGE expert exam will be awarded in November at the GBCSA Annual Convention.

Entrance criteria

  • Women professionals from the following professions: architects, engineers, urban planners, quantity surveyors, property managers, construction managers, project managers, property developers and asset managers.


  • EDGE expert training for 10 finalists.
  • 3 passes to the GBCSA Annual Convention 2022 (awarded to top 3 exam marks from the 10).
  • Achievement certificates issued to top 3 performers at GBCSA Convention.

For more information or to enter, click here.